Bone Marrow Transplant in Iran

Bone Marrow Transplant in Iran

Patients from throughout the world seeking affordable, high-quality stem cell treatment in Iran.
bone marrow transplantation in iran

What is Bone Marrow Transplant?

A bone marrow transplant is a medical procedure that uses healthy blood-forming stem cells to replace bone marrow that isn’t generating enough healthy blood cells. A bone marrow transplant is often known as a stem cell transplant. You could need a bone marrow transplant if your body is unable to produce healthy blood cells or is not releasing enough of them. Cells from a donor or your own body can be used in a bone marrow transplant (autologous transplant) (allogeneic transplant).

Why Iran for a Bone Marrow Transplant?

There are several justifications for choosing Iran as the top location for medical tourism. Imagine receiving a difficult medical procedure from the best-skilled surgeons in Iran for a fraction of the price of what it would cost in other major nations. That Is Iran for you! Many people throughout the world now recognize that Iran has some of the most skilled doctors in every area of medicine. In addition to high-quality facilities, a variety of treatments, highly-trained staff that can perform any medical procedure, and zero wait times, the list of advantages seems endless.
Iran is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to be treated there since it has the most affordable treatment costs. Iran provides top-notch healthcare on par with that of any western country. All reputable hospitals have made significant investments in medical equipment and operating methods. Therefore, sophisticated technology is used for complex cardiac operations, cancer treatments and surgeries, neuro surgeries, and even routine procedures to ensure safe and effective outcomes, reduce problems, speed up recovery, and shorten hospital stays. You may be sure to receive only the finest in Iran because of the excellent infrastructure, the greatest medical facilities, and the most affordable costs.

How are Bone Marrow Transplants Carried Out?

Typically, stem cells are taken out of a peripheral vein. The entire bone marrow transplant procedure is comparable to giving blood or platelets. Blood cells like platelets (thrombocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes), and red blood cells (erythrocytes), which are later injected into a recipient following a brief course of chemotherapy, are produced by bone marrow stem cells.
The bone marrow transplant operation in Iran which is used to treat a number of illnesses, is highly safe for the donor (both cancerous and non-cancerous). Additionally, six to twelve months following a successful bone marrow transplant, the patient can resume a regular, healthy lifestyle.

Stem Cell Therapy in Iran

Stem cell therapy in Iran is a modern approach to treating most diseases using stem cells. The USA, South Korea, and China are the main countries in this field. Iran has played a significant role in developing this new method in the region, and today it is the top destination for cell therapy in the Middle East. Stem cell therapy is available in research centers at infertility clinics in Iran.
Stem cell therapy is utilized for various disorders, such as immune deficiencies, genetic disorders, different cancers, bone and cartilage damage, skin disorders such as vitiligo, and other tissue damage. There are public and private or family cord blood banks in Iran, and stem cell therapy in Iran is performed for transplantations, such as eye diseases like chemical injury of cornea, and limb salvage.
Moreover, the largest cord blood bank in the Middle East is in Iran. It collects samples from other countries including Turkey, Turkmenistan, Romania, Iraq, Afghanistan, Jordan, Norway, Canada, The UK, the UAE, and Oman.
The main sources of stem cells include hematopoietic stem cells including peripheral blood, umbilical cord blood, and bone marrow, and mesenchymal stem cells including the umbilical cord tissue, bone marrow or fat, and pulp tissue from primary teeth. The umbilical cord blood can be saved after the birth when the cord has been clamped and cut. The blood volume in the umbilical cord and placenta varies between 80 and 200 ml.
Stem cell therapy is utilized for various disorders; hematopoietic stem cells are used for blood cancer, thalassemia, immunodeficiency disorders, congenital anemia, and mesenchymal stem cells are applied in cerebral palsy (CP), autism, arthritis, and heart diseases. The stem cells taken from umbilical cord blood could be saved in special tanks, at a temperature of -196°C, for 30 years.
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