Limb Lengthening Surgery in Iran

Limb lengthening surgery is an inpatient procedure that leverages your body’s own capacity to build new bone while soft tissue, nerves, and blood vessels expand slowly over time to lengthen a limb that is shorter than the other limb. In the operation, one of your limb bones will be sliced and a metal lengthening device will be placed, which will gradually divert or increase the gap between the bones. This process is carried out at a rate of around 1 mm per day until the target bone length is reached. Your body will generate new bone cells to fill up the area as the limb bone is gradually diverted.
In the limb lengthening surgery, an external fixator or an internal lengthening nail can be used to distract the bones. The metal lengthening instrument will remain in place for several months after the target length has been obtained until the bone has fully recovered and solidified. In outpatient operation, the lengthening device will be surgically removed. The new bone is equally as powerful as any other bone after this has fully developed and is not at risk of weakening or breaking.
Iran Medical Tours brings you together with the best cosmetic surgery clinics and professionals for limb-lengthening surgery in Iran, mainly in larger cities, such as Tehran, Shiraz, and Mashad.
When Is Limb Lengthening Surgery Required?
There are many reasons resulting in unequal limbs, the most common being certain genetic defects, bone injuries, cerebral palsy, polio, etc. In addition, these may be congenital, developmental, or abnormalities due to bone infection, arthritis, fracture, or tumor. It has also become popular among people to increase their height; hence it is also known as limb lengthening surgery. The operation helps the person to achieve improved bone alignment and joint function using different surgical procedures. These consist of two kinds of corrections:
Acute Correction: This type of correction involves cutting the bone, called an osteotomy, and manually shifting the bone sections.
Gradual Correction: This type of approach contains bone growth through applied osteotomy tension.
Limb Length Discrepancies or LLD can occur in different lengths of arms or lower legs. A difference of 4 cm between legs may result in short-leg syndrome. These differences cause discomfort in walking along with bad posture and back pain. During the consultation with Iran Medical Tours, you can decide whether you need limb lengthening surgery or not with the help of specialists.
Advantages of Limb Lengthening Surgery
Limb lengthening operations can make bones longer in people with bone discrepancies, bone growth abnormalities, or shorter bones due to skeletal dysplasia. The procedure has high success rates with positive consequences. Having limbs equal length can improve your:
Improvement in gait
Gaining flexibility
Acquiring a range of motion
Raising strength
Limb lengthening surgery can be life-changing for individuals with bone discrepancies or bone growth conditions. Newer internal instruments can make your limb lengthening process easier and safer than ever before. The success rate of limb lengthening surgery in Iran is high if you work with a skilled provider and follow your post-surgery instructions. Most individuals live full, active lives with their lengthened arms or legs. For more detailed information about limb lengthening surgery, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Before the Limb Lengthening Surgery in Iran
Before you undergo limb lengthening surgery in Iran, your provider will take X-rays of your bone and measure it. These tests help your provider decide how long the bone should be. In most conditions, you can expect your bone to grow up to 2 inches per surgery. Your surgical team will tell you how to prepare for the limb-lengthening procedure. You can ask the expert doctor these questions:
Which medications you should take or stop taking before the operation?
When you should stop eating or drinking before the procedure?