Tear Duct surgery , Dacryocystorhinostomy ( DCR ) surgery in iran
Tear Duct Surgery is used to correct blocked tear ducts in the eyes. Blocked tear ducts can cause problems such as tearing, swelling, and redness. In this surgery, the patient is usually placed under general anesthesia. The doctor generally will use an endoscope (tube with camera/light) to examine the area and then make an incision to allow fluid from the blocked tear duct to enter the nasal cavity.
Excessive tearing.
Redness of the white part of the eye.
Recurrent eye infection or inflammation (pink eye)
Painful swelling near the inside corner of the eye.
Crusting of the eyelids.
Discharge from the lids and surface of the eye.
Tear Duct treatment , Dacryocystorhinostomy ( DCR ) surgery in iran
Tear duct treatment, known medically as Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR), which is an operation to form a new tear drain between your eye and nose when there has been a blockage.
During DCR, your tear drainage passages are opened so the tears can drain into the nose. There are two approaches to DCR surgery: external DCR and endoscopic DCR. In both surgical techniques, a narrow silicone tube is placed internally, positioned in the newly created passage to avoid blockage. The silicone tube is removed in the clinic several weeks later.
Transcanalicular Laser-Assisted Endoscopic DCR
TLE DCR is a minimally invasive technique that offers numerous benefits, including quicker recovery, less risk of bleeding and infection, minimal scarring, and a significantly enhanced patient experience. It is a minimally invasive, laser-assisted procedure performed through the natural orifice, eliminating the need for a skin incision. It is particularly suitable for patients concerned with external scarring, those who have bleeding disorders or must remain on anticoagulation medication.
External DCR
The operation takes place through a 10- 15mm incision in the side of your nose, where a pair of glasses would rest. This heals up very quickly and is rarely visible when healing is complete in most people. As part of the procedure, a narrow silicone tube is positioned internally to ensure that the newly made passage remains open during the healing phase. The silicone tube is removed in clinic several weeks later.
Endoscopic DCR
Endoscopic DCR is a minimally invasive procedure to unblock tear ducts. The operation is similar to external DCR, except there is no cut through the skin and no scar afterwards. Access is through your nose, using a small thin camera (endoscope). As with all DCR surgery, a narrow silicone tube is placed internally, positioned in the newly created passage to avoid blockage. The silicone tube is removed in the clinic several weeks later.
Are you a candidate for tear duct repair?
If you’re showing signs of a blocked tear duct, such as discharge from your eye, excessive tearing, or pain in the area, you may be a strong candidate for tear duct repair.
Factors that can lead to a blocked tear duct include:
Anatomical issues
Chronic nasal or sinus inflammation
Obstruction from a tumor
Trauma to your nose