Vitrectomy in Iran

Vitrectomy in Iran

Vitrectomy is a type of ophthalmic surgery that is used to treat some retinal and vitreous disorders. The retina is a light-sensitive tissue on the back of the eyeball. The vitreous is a transparent, gel-like substance that fills the middle part of the eye. During vitrectomy, the surgeon removes the vitreous and replaces it with another solution.

Vitrectomy Surgical Procedure

In vitrectomy, the surgeon uses a specialized surgical microscope, which allows a clear view of the vitreous cavity and retina at various magnifications. The delicate surgical instruments are inserted into the eye by making a tiny incision in the scalp (the white part of the eye). The surgery is performed under general anesthesia.
Age Limit for Vitrectomy: You need to be at least 40 years of age.


Duration of Your Stay in Iran

1-2 weeks

Cost of Vitrectomy in Iran

The average cost of vitrectomy surgery in Iran is $3000 for one eye.
The cost of vitrectomy treatment as well as cataract surgery in Iran for one eye is $4200 on average.

When Is Vitrectomy Done?

  • Your ophthalmologist may recommend a vitrectomy if you have one of these diseases or conditions:
  • diabetic retinopathy, with bleeding or scar tissue affecting the retina or vitreous gel
  • some forms of retinal detachment (when the retina lifts away from the back of the eye)
  • macular hole (a hole or tear in the macula)
  • macular pucker (wrinkles or creases in the macula)
  • an infection in the eye called endophthalmitis
  • severe eye injury
  • certain problems during cataract surgery

Who Are NOT Good Candidates for Vitrectomy

Those who can be treated with other treatment methods or people whose ophthalmologist diagnoses that for any reason they are not able to undergo the surgery.


Pre-Operative Preparation

  1. Based on your health condition, your ophthalmologist determines that your surgery will be performed under local or general anesthesia.
  2. You might be hospitalized for one night.
  3. Before surgery, you may undergo a thorough clinical eye examination to assess your health condition and detect any potential medical risks.
  4. Wash your eyes and eyelids and avoid wearing makeup.


Post-Operative Care

  • You may experience eye pain or discomfort after surgery.
  • Wear your protective eye shield until your follow-up visit.
  • Take your eye drops at a time as prescribed by your ophthalmologist.
  • Consider your ophthalmologist’s postoperative recommendations.
  • keep your head in a specific position in order to help the gas bubble do its job.
  • Avoid flying or traveling high mountain elevations until the gas bubbles are dissipated, otherwise, your intraocular pressure will elevate rapidly, which may cause dangerous consequences.


What Are Vitrectomy Surgery Risks?

Like any surgery, vitrectomy has risks. They include:
  • infection
  •  bleeding
  •  torn or detached retina
  • poor vision
  • glaucoma is when pressure builds up within your eye
Another possible risk after vitrectomy is getting a cataract in that eye. This is especially likely to happen in people over age 50 who have vitrectomy. If you already had cataract surgery with a lens implant, vitrectomy will not harm your implanted lens.
Vitrectomy surgery often improves vision or keeps it from getting worse
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